Category: Inspirational Stories
Published On: Aug 25, 2020
| Last Updated: Aug 25, 2020
When child who doesn’t even know what he/she wants setting his foot out of the comfort zone of his house to lead a life of reality and achieving something of extraordinary dimensions seems a rare phenomenon but it is a true-life story of Padmashree Kailash Kher sir. This interview of Kailash Kher sir, popularly known as Kailash Kher sir showcases the zeal, determination, and struggles of Kailash Khersir.
Separating himself from the worldly pleasures of his home at the tender age of 14, KK set out to carve the life which he desired. He worked, strived and struggled for sustaining his life and for meeting his ends whilst living in a Gurudwara in order to maintain his and his parents’ dignity.
Kailash Kher sir is an epitome of struggle, sacrifice, and dedication towards his ambition. He revealed one such story exclusively to us of his detachment of savoring sweets of which he was very fond of since the age of 6. He left eating sweets just due to the fact that this fondness towards sweets might be a hindrance to his further endeavors.
Every individual in this world has an inseparable tune attached along with oneself. The tunes may be varied from devotional to leisured but such tunes constitute an indomitable part of a person’s existence and Kailash Kher sir wasn’t an exception. He attributes his love towards singing and mysticism to his father thus giving an insight to KK after which he embarked on his incredible journey of life.
Armed with just his zeal and adamancy towards earning his own life and accrediting his own success with his own achievements, he headed out towards the world with just him by his side.
Due to his job obligations, KK never could get formal training and mentoring from any mentors of music but that couldn’t deter him from his aim and dedication of accomplishing that aim. Believing in the experiences and the lesson imparted by them, KK progressed on his own, migrating to Mumbai, settling for jobs whilst practicing his vocal skills. Gradually with his hard work, zeal, and dedication towards his aim, KK set apart a benchmark for himself and built such a regime which serves as a constant source of
Inspiration amongst millions of young people. Kailash Kher sir devotes his success towards the three key practices, which when followed with utmost determination and passion would certainly lead anyone to success. The key practices enumerated as firstly perseverance and patience towards any of our tasks or goals secondly Dedication towards our aspirations and finally Honesty towards our goals.
Kailash Kher sir stands as the tall figure in terms of success and the finest example of a self-made man and is inspiring enough to lead many of us to pursue dreams and passions with a similar kind of determination leading to success.
Written by - Gokul Gopal Iyer
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